Адвентисты Седьмого Дня (АСД) > Рассуждение над учением АСД

Противоречия в литературе АСД

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Книга "Великая борьба" страница 458

"Если бы те, кто участвовал в движении 1844 года, приняли весть третьего ангела и возвестили бы ее в силе Святого Духа, Господь совершил бы через них величайшие дела. На землю были бы излиты целые потоки света. Давно бы жители земли получили предостережение, последний этап работы был бы завершен, и Христос пришел бы для искупления Своего народа".

Это не что иное, как пророчество на прошедшее время. Обычно пророчествуют о будущем, но видно есть и такой метод пророков - ЕСЛИ БЫ...
Всё шло по плану, но некий дядя Вася и не принял некую весть. Планы Господа были разрушены.

На одном ресурсе я высказал свою мысль, что 2300 вечеров и утр, могли обозначать количество вечерних и утренних жертв, и обозначать 1150 дней. Что не обязательно связывать выражение "вечеров и утр" с текстами творения "и был вечер и было утро". Адвентисты сразу подсчитали дату выпадающую на 694-й год Н.Э.  а потом написали, что в этот год небыло ничего знаменательного, что указало бы на переход Иисуса во "Святая святых".
А в 1844 году конечно были великие события. НО КАКИЕ? Первая нефтяная скважина и то только в следующем году произведена. Может они имели ввиду "великий лохотрон Миллера", который обеспечил себе безбедную старость за счёт поверивших в его проповедь о конце света в этом году?

В книге Е.Уайт "Опыты и видения" на стр. 16, она дала точное определение вопросу "КТО ТАКИЕ 144000". (КСТАТИ НЕ ПРОТИВОРЕЧИТ БИБЛИИ. Просто там нет объяснения этому числу спасённых... Подставляй любое значение и не пойдёшь в разрез с Библией)

"Вскоре мы услышали голос Божий, подобный шуму многих вод, который возвестил нам день и час пришествия Иисуса. Оставшиеся в живых святые, число которых было 144000, знали и понимали этот голос, тогда как нечестивые подумали, что это гром и землетрясение".

То-есть, это число спасённых, которые встретили второе пришествие Иисуса ЖИВЫМИ.

Далее (стр. 41) мы можем прочесть такой текст:

"Я никак не могла примириться с мыслью, что мне придется возвратиться в темный мир. Но ангел сказал: «Ты должна вернуться на землю, но если останешься верной, то будешь иметь преимущество вместе с 144000 посещать все миры и созерцать повсюду дела Божий»".

Умерла Елена Уайт в 1915 году.
Толи она не осталась верной, толи неверными были видения.

http://www.otkrovenie.de/white/knigi/sv1/index.htm   131 стр.

Свидетельства для церкви-Том 1  Елена Уайт   http://soteria.ru/s2766/28/
Глава II. Подражание миру
"Мне были показаны те, кто присутствовал на конференции. Ангел сказал: "Кто-то из них станет пищей для червей (Сестра Кларисса М. Бонфей, почившая в Иисусе спустя три дня после этого видения, была тогда в добром здравии. Кларисса была глубоко убеждена, что она одна из тех, кому суждено сойти в могилу, и передавала это убеждение другим.), иные подвергнутся семи последним язвам, а некоторые будут живы и останутся на земле, чтобы преобразиться при Христовом явлении". [132]

Testimonies for the Church-Volume 1   Ellen White  http://soteria.ru/s3866/24/
Conformity to the World

"I was shown the company present at the Conference. Said the angel: «Some food for worms,* some subjects of the seven last plagues, some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the coming of Jesus.»"

Может семь язв проходили в 19-м веке?

А может ангел Божий ей соврал на конференции?
Тогда ангел не Божий.

В любом случае сама Уайта соврать не могла. Скорее ангел соврёт, чем она.

ЕСТЬ ФОТОКОПИЯ ГАЗЕТЫ ЗА 1845 год. Энтузиасты перерыли всю национальную библиотеку США, и приволокли на всемирную сеть сканированную копию газеты. Я английского не знаю, но через гугл понял, что текст был машиной копирован и оцифрован. Я ненужное взял зелёным цветом. Чтоб не путаться.




NO 51

ct that, ; pen And pencil. Men who will do eueh
1 absorb n thing a* that, would break thing* it
they got in a passion, and are not tit be
trualed at partisans. A teal, genuine
rr lin b'o partisan — who it good for party
and good lilt nothing fixe — hm no butt
ncsa with a mind. Ilia lenders do hi*
thinking for him. All that is required
of him ie to follow his file lander, and
vote the regular nominations. Wa
should have pretty times, truly if every
i>ody should undertake to think for hftn
self? Why h is deemed almost pteaump
tuntie.tn a member Ot Cnngresa, twtako
snch o liberty; — and eveu he doea it at
the peril ol hia place!"

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Hail were leaders. Danimon said the sin-
nera were going to hell in two days. They

OriiLDEU I. I>A.nTIO.\.


II III till- —
shorten In offering the public the following re-
guiie L ,uw 1 il ,,ue w lnc,n well stlf.to
e while ; Wake a few remarks. When 1 volunteered
sides «e- to do it, I bad no iloubt but thut thu exaiii-
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ation would bavu been gone through wilh
in the course of a few hour*. Judge then,
what must be my surprise on fludiog ibe
Court House filled to overflowing, and bsv*
iug it occupy such s iengili of time. Ts
the wituessss I will say, I have ahridg«d
your testimony as much *• possible, and
have omitted much of the most unimport-
ant part, in order to shorten the work , but
have endeavored in no ciuie to misrepresent
you, and if you Hud un error, 1 beg you to
impute it to my head, instead of heart.—
To the reader 1 will remark, that much of
the testimony was drawn out by questions,
rr'n the 1 h iii I 1 have omitted the questions in aliens-
iVo mis* e< where it could be dispensed with and
ish high | shorlen the work. To all, 1 offer it us an
j. _'i! I ''• , l , « r, 'e ,r t and impsrlial report. In conse-
quence of my toiul inexperience, being but
u laburing man, I should sbriuk from pub-
lishing it, Imt from tbe urgent solicitation
of others. Thank ir.g the Court for the fa-
vor of a seal, by them, and the Court and
Counsel lor the uso ol'llwir minutes, 1 sign
myself this once the rkfortcr.

N. U. I have preserved the language of
(ho w itn e sses as much as possible*

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set down
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Irtlt —

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ei,) til

Mo w dat, Feb. 17, 1845.


Prisoner arraign e«l before Moses Swett,
E»q. of fc'uxcroli, aseoCialed by beth Lee,
Lv-q. of Afkin»on. on tbe following com-

I plaint, to wit .

To Ciu«i.Ks P. Cmakslkr, Esq. one of
the Justices of the Peace within aud for
the County ol Piecutuquis.
"HARTFOUD J. HOWE, of Dover,
in ihr Co. of Pmcauiquis, Yeoman, upon
hia oath complains, that Israel Dmnnion,
Cmnnturaut of Atkinson, in said County,
Idler, I*, nml tor several days tool pool, luts
liven a vagabond and idle person, gniog h-
buut ill the town of Atkinson, aforesaid, in
•half | t | |K cuu my aforesaid, from place < to place,
"'"M' 1 )' 2 b*gi>ioit : —thut he the Mid Israel Dnmmoie
>fttoiis, j ki n cmnmoii toiler or brawler, uegleciing
cover his catling, or employment, misspending his
not so! earnings, and does not provide lor the sup-
a mid l" ,rl 01 ''i' 11 " 1 U against the peace

' iled ' 0, ,hB ***** «'' M,i,M| t »••«! contrary to form
' I ' I of Statute ill such cases made and provided.
• a lew Hrtbert-toio p^a k * that the S' jd I. Dam-
Die or h wnt ,„„y |m apprehended mid held to an-
:<inUiu Hvver to panl complaint and dealt with rela-
apple, !tiv« in the sume is law and Justice may rc»
Uia; to "quire."
iiid n. i Pli>ud Nnt Guilty,
is ayi-i Court at!j.»urued to one o'clock, P. M,
Opened agreeably to a Ijnurmeui.
C I'. Chandler, II. O. O. M orison, for
Stato. J. 6. Holmes, lor Iteapolideul.

G|teued by Chandler. Cited chap. 178,
sec. 0, Itevistd Stiuutes.
AdjouriiHl to Court Huuss.
Ebencxer Klethen sworn. Have been in
the Ihhim threo times, saw notlniig out of
the w;,y io rider Damnum. J lave seen Oth-
ers. Objected to by Holmes. Confine your
remarks to prisoner, he con in no wuys bo
accountable lor Lite conduct of others, and I
is ear- object to any testimony c»ccpt wliat goes to
' show what rcM|K>ndcnt has said or done, as
wholly iirovolant.

Question by Chandler. Who was the
presiding elder at the meeting ? Ans. El-
tlcr Damnum presided and took the lead of
the meetings thut I attended.

Chandler &. Morisou. The meetinga ap-
pear to be elder DanuiMin's meetings -ho
took tlie Icail and gttided them, and is oc-
countoblo for any public nuwonduct, and
ought to check it t we propose to show the
character of his meetinga, to show the char-
acter of the man.

Hy the Court. Von may rclrite any tiling
that took place ut the meetings, where the
respondent WIU ' presiding elder.

Witness. The fust meeting I attended
was two weeks ago yesterday — saw people
setting on the Hour, and laying on the floor ;
Damnum setting on floor ;tlicy were leaning
on each other. It did not have the up-
pcarancc of a rcligioiu meeting.

Cross examination. Saw nothing like
licentiousness — there was exlwrtatiou and
prayer each evening. Was there ltOlt time
i mind [after part of my family,
ut out ! J. W. E. Harvey, sworn. Have attended
if they j their meetings two days and four evenings,
o bear I First meeting lasted eight days - have known
a withiDommon fix weeks - Damroon, White and

i lik«t.

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were hugging and kissing each other -Dam-
mon would lay on tho floor, then jump up -
Utey would frequently go into another, room.
D unman haa no means to support himaelf that
I know of. The meetiug appeared very ir-
religious—have seen him sit on the floor with
a woman between his legs ond his arms a-
round her. Cro« examined. The room
they went into was a back room ; dont know
what was in it — I u*as in two rooms where
there was a fire. In the back room they laid
tha worid'a people must not go. Dammon
said the meeting was to be a private meeting
and they wanted no one to come unless thay
believed as he did in the Advent doctrine. I
did go considerably - if the meetings were
religious ones I thought I had a right to go
I to them - 1 went to satisfy myself what woj
done. I h id no hostile feeling against them
I think they held the first meeting a fortnight.
Daminott said he wanted no one to attend
their meetings unless they believed in the
ndrerrt doetrine.

Win. C. Crosby, E*|. sworn. I was at
the meeting luM Saturday night, from about
7 o'clock to 9. There wm a woman on the
floor who lay on her back with a pillow un-
der her head ; she would occasionally arouse
up At tell a vision which she said was reveal-
ed to her. They would at times all be talk-
ing at once, halloing at the top of tlieir voic-
es ; sonic uf them said there was loo much
sin there. After the cessation of the noise,
Dammon got up and was more coherent - he
complained of those that came there who did
not believe in the advent doctrine. At one
time Dammon said there was hogs there not
belonging to the band, and pointed at me, and
said, I mean you, Sir. Subsetpiently he ad-
dressed mc again - said, you can't drive us
out of town ; he stared me in the face and
said, I am an honest man, or I could not look
vou in the face, and you have hell's brass or
yon could not look mc in the face. Dammon
said if he was owner of the house lie would
compel all unbelievers to leave it — they were
setting and laying on tho floor promiscuously
and were exceedingly noisy. Cross ex-
amined. Did he not say if there was any
there who did not come for instruction he did
not wont them there. Ans. That is not
what he said - he pointed to me and said he
meant you— I never was more pointedly ad-
dressed m my life- we stood 5 or 6 feet a-
part,moelof the men were on the floor— most
of the women in chain —Do not know how
long Dammon hoe been in town.

Thomas Proctor sworn. Saw the prisoner
last Saturday - vvos present when he waa
taken ; know nothing of the meetinga myself.

Moses Cerrish, sworo. 1 hare never at-
tended any of their meetinga, when the pris-
oner was present.

LomaLambert, swora. They were sing
ing when 1 arrived - after singing they sat
down on tho floor — Dammon said o sister hod
a vision to relate - a woman on the floor then
related her vision. Dammon said all other
denaminatiuni ware wicked - they were liars,
wlioroinastcra, murderers, 5tc— he also run
upon all suea «a ware not believers with him.
lie ordered us off - we did not go. The wo-
man that lay on the floor relating visions, was
called by elder Dammon aud others, imita-
tion of Christ. Dammon called us hogs and
devils, and slid if he was the owner of the
house he would drive us off - the one that
they colled imitation of Christ, told Mrs.
Woodbury ond ottera, that they must forsake
all their friends or go Ut hell. Imitation of
Christ, nx they ealled her, would lay on the
floor a while, then riao up and call upon some
nun .ml Ma v ahe had a vision to relate to them,
which she would relate ; there waa one girl
that they said must be baptised that night or
she must go to hell ; she wept bitterly and
wo-ntcd to see her mother first , they told her
she must leave her mother or go to hell - one
voice aaid, lot her go to belt She finally
concluded to be baptised. Imitation of Christ
vision to a cousin of mine, that she

tinued on the floor until I left, whitoh was be-
tween the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock at night.

Cross examined. Answer. The vision-
iat lay down on the floor I should -think about
7 o'clock -ahe lay there from that time until
I left. Dammon and others called her Imi-
tation of Christ. Part of the time Dammon
waa down on the floor on hia back-cant
say certainly who first said she waa Inh
tation of Christ, but can say Dammon repeat-
edly said so— Dammon said Christ revealed

learned that the p'rfsoiitf had Itttt
ad and that the otbdf* bad <i1»t«ft«i.

H«ra the government aioppeJ, Court,
adjourned to half p**t sit OYftMfc

Brcffino— KeVpoMlent'a' wrtoiaoes.

Jrfiues Ayer, Jr., bfflrmed t The moat of*
the meeting* were ir ray house, I have
generally attended them -•ooaortmea I waa
oat. I have heard the testimony on (tie
part of tbe State. Some tklnga stated 1 "Jo

to her aod she te others. 1 am not acquaint- ) nut recoltset. t was there last Saturday
cd with elder White They caUad hon Eld. | av.ninj -saw neklseinf. lagre« with
White. They said if the Almighty had any j Crosby and Lambert subotsntially. I «n*
thing to say lie revealed Ir W ttt t and ftTO I rf.r^ood prieuiie' lo say chart were mem -

acted as mediator.

Wm. Ilicker, sworn. Know older Dam-
mon— I went to attend their meeting once :
they told mc there would be none — I asked
them where it would be oh the next Sabbath ?

bers of the churches who be referred to io*
stead of tha whole. Saw tbe woman, will) a
pillow under her bead— her name U Mite
Kflea Harmoo, of Portland. I he an! notb-

they told me they kr.ow not where ; but they I |nf b * r OP ° ,h<M • bout of

did not admit any but the advent band. I ask- ' Cbfi * 1 ' 1 ,tw M,M B * ker U ! r,n * *2 *•
ed Dammon if that was Christ** religion ? he floor *
said it is ours.

Leonard Downes, sworn. — Went to meet-
ing with Loton Lambert, and kept with him ;
heard him testify, and know what he las re- no man in tbe bed-room that .evening. I
loted to foe true. Ho omitted one thing. I ; heard the noise in the bad-room -brother
saw Damnum kiss other people's wives. Wit* Wood of Orriniton and I went iu| asked
ness underwent a severe cross examination, J hrr wUml m * tl « r , she made no ro-

I saw her fall. Saw Mise Baker
and sister Osbont ge into the bad-room—
sister Osborn helpa* bar on to tbe bod,
came out and shut tb« door. Tbsre wee

n which his testimony was so near. » rape*
tition of Mr. Lambert's, that it is by me, eon*
sidercd useless to copy ft.

Wm. C. Crosby re-examined. I saw- no |
kissing, but heard about it I did net stay |
late, went about 7, left about 9 o'clock. Af- j

TTfy, and I went out. Brother Wood assis-
ted her off of ibe bed. and helped feer out—
she npjHt»r€4 in distress. She told brother
Doere she was distressed on his account —
was afrad he would loose bis soul, aod ad.

ter the visionist called them up she told them | Mm *» he baptised. Did uot see thsm
they doubted. Her object seemed to be to kiss each other. It is e part of our faith to
convince thein that they must not doubt — ) kiss eaeh other— brothers kias aietecu aod
Dammon called the churches whoreniasfers, ; sisters kiss brothers, 1 think we have bihf •
I iaiw, thievea, scoundrels, wolves in sheep'o j authority lor thnt. I understood tlicpris*

clothing, murderers, &c, He said read the
Star. By spells it was the most noisy assem-
bly I ever attended — there was no order or
regularity, nor any thing that resembled any
otlier meeting 1 ever attended — Dammon
seemed to have the lead and the most art I
don't say Dammon shouted the loudest ; I
think some others stronger, in the lungs than

Deo. James Ro we, sworn. I was at Ay- |
ec'sr a short time last Saturday evening— 'El-
der Dummon found fault with us for eeming
to his meeting— he spoke of other denomin-
ations as Esq. Crosby has just testified — said
the church members were the worst people in
the world. I have been young, and new am
old, and of all the places I ever wag in, I
never saw such a confusion, not even in n
drunken frolic. Dammon stood up on the
floor and said, Ism going to stand here —
and w h ile I stand here, they can't hurt you,
neither men nor devils can't hurt you Cross
examined. He said all churches, made no dis-
tinction. I put no meaning to what he said,
I only state what he did say. I have been
acquainted with the prisoner 20 or 30 years ;
his character was good until recently.

Jeremiah B. Creen, sworn. I attended an
aftertoon inocting a fortnight ogo yesterday
— they had an exhortation and prayer in the
the et enmg— 1 sew men wash men's feet,
and women wash women* feel diey had
dishes of water— eTifer Datrrmon -» aS the pre-
siding elder — I saw Dammon bias Mrs, Os-

Ebenexcr Trundy, s worn. I was at meet-
ing week before last, — I heard Dammon say
« Cod's a coming ! Cod's a coming 2* Mr.
Bdrrbar was telling of going into the woods
to labor — Dammon said he ought not to go.
Boobar said he had a family to support and
was poor. Dammon told him lie must live
on them that had property, and if Cod did
not come then we must all go to work togeth-

Joseph Monlton, sworn. When I went
to arrest prisoner, they shut the door against
me- Finding I could not gain access to him
without, I burst open the door. I went to
the prisoner and took iiim by the hand aud
told hiin my business. A number of women
jumped on to him - he clung to them, and
they to him. So great was the rcsfsuincc,

oner to uny , there wss an account in the
Star nf a Deacon who had killed seven mew.
Tbe reason of our kneeling, I consider aa
object of humiliation.

Cross examined.— I know nothing ebwul
Miss Harmou's character. I did not mf
there was lio kissing— I saw none. Did
not hear hex called imituiioo ofGhrist KI*
der Dammon Iwa had no other business,
but to alleud meeting*. He and. another
ti inn from Exeter, came With * yottUg gifL
Dommou soid he bsd a spiritual wife aod
he was glad of it. 1 went to Mr. Lambert
and ssiri if be disturbed tbe meeting, fan
must go out door* We went to the water
after a|eveo o'clock— brother Dammon bap*
tizad two. 1 know nothing aboot sister
baker's character— seen bar at meeting in
Orrington. I understood sister Harmon bad
a vision st Portlaud, and waa travelling
through tha country relating ii.

Job Moody sffirtned.* 1 waa at meeting
Saturday evening. Broth«r Dammon said
in relation to other churches they ware bad
enough; said they wars corrupt; be spoke
or the Star— he did say tijey were ibettne*
Sc. 1 sm not certain, but think be said
tint evening, l hers wns exeeptiona.4u.Sie-
tsr Harmon would my ew the floor inn
Irance, and tha Lord would reveat their
cares to her, and ahe to tbetn.

By the Court.

Answer. Mr. Dammon r e p e at edly urged
upon us the ucceaiHj uj' Quitting oil labor.
Kissing is a ealuintiuu of love; I greet thsm
ao— wa have got positive soriptuco ibe ik-*>
I reside in Exeter.

Here tbe witneas waa told be might take
his seat. Hs said I have seme testintoey in
relation to brother Dammon 's character, if
I am uot a going to ha called again. Ho
then siatsd that he had been acquainted
with brother Dsminou firs or six years, nml
bis character was good. Ha works part of
the time, and preaches apart of the time*
I have been seryiog the Lord and ham-
mering against the devil of late.

Isley Oxborn affirmed: I know nothing
bad iu brother Dammon's character. lie

told her

must bo baptised that night or go to hell —

she objected, because she had once been bop- : that I with three assistants, could not get j believes there is g .o*l, bad, aud iodiOerant
tiscd. Imitation of Christ was said to be a! him out I remained in the house and sent j in all churches -hs thinks it best to come
woman from l'ortlans. A woman that they j for morehejp ; after they arrived we made a ! oyl from ,|, em( i, tfCIIUM tport j, >0
called Miss Baker, Said the devil was here, ' «cco«u attempt wnJi tire same result - 1 again
and she wanted to see him -sire selected me ; for more help - after they arrived we ov-
andsaid, you are the devil, and will go to; erpowored them and got him outdoor mens-
hell I told her showa.it my judge. Mr. tody. We v,cre resisted by both men and
Ayer then clinched me and tried to put me women. Can't describe the plaae - it wss one
outdoor. I told him we hod not come to continued- shout

disturb the meoting. lite vision "ouiopi Wm. C. Crosby, Esq.— called again,
called Joel Dooro, said he had doubted, and! Prisoner has herni reported to have been

wonldnot be baptised ^"^^i^XW^ "°
Doorc don't go to hell. Doorc kneeled to i . U HP°"-

hcT eet and grayed. Miss Baker and a man J. W. E. Harvey, re-einniined.
went into the bed room - subsequently heard! P "'°'"" »¦• « h " e '
a voice in the room hallo Oh ! the door was j h«ow of ito means be has ol support, other
opened -I aaw into the room— she was on than lo live on his followere.
the bed— he was hold of her ; they camo out j T. rroeror, re-exsmmed -
of the bed room hugging oach other, she Prisoner has been i sported as a man who
jumping up and would throw her legs be- i hni 00 meRn s of support— I do not know of
tween his. Miss Baker went to Mr. Doorc . ^ t having any.

and said, you have refused mc before, he said I j acou Martin sworn: It is the common
he had— they then kissed each other- she L g ^ U|e pril(on< . r U \\ VI „ K upon his
.aid that feels good'- just before they -went j ro „ owe „ , hHV . mwM no meetings of

lo UlC water to baptise, Miss Baker went into |
the bed room with a man they called elder;

their**. Have seen * number of sleighs
White-en* him help her on 'to U.e bed - \ »» d /.fjeen or twenty strangers,
the light waa brought out and door closed. 1 1 Bewjnwni Smith, K-q., Selectman or At-
did not sea cither of them afterwards. Once j kinson sworn: 1 have been called upon h>
1 was in the ethsrrsem talking with my cau*! the citizens of Atkinson to interfere sml
sin. Dammon nnd others came into the room put a stop to these meetings— they gave as
and stopped our discourse, and called her « reason that tbe defendant and others were

sister aud mc the devil. Imitation of Christ
lay on the floor during the time they went
dwwn to the water to baptise, and she con-

living u | ion certain eitizena of said town—
and that they were liable to become, town
chargo. 1 started to duv to go there, but


that has fallen front their btdy position.—
Do not recollect bearing him use tbe ex-
pressions about churches they have aworn
to hut have heard him use ss strong lan-
guage agninat them. Do uot call sister Har-
mon imitation of Christ. Tbey lose their
strength and full oh the door. The Lord
communirnxen ro them through a vision, so
we cult it the Lord . Brother White did
not go Into the bed-room, nor any other
mau .

Cross-exatoitied: She toJd tbem their
cases bad been made knows to her by tho
Lord, end if they were not baptised that
evening, they would go to bell. We be-
lieved her, and brother Dammon and 1 ad-
»i*cd thein to be baptised. Brother Dam-
mon thought it best to keep the meetinga
secret, so they would not crowd in. Hold
io kissing— have scripture exhortation for
that. Siater Baker has a good character —
the wickedest man iu Orrington says ahe
has a good diameter, and that's enough te
establish any character, wbcfl the worst
mon adjults it. (roar of laughter) We w'tib
to go through the ordnance ©fwesning feet
in secret. Did not see any kleefof, hut
presume their was, aa H kf a pare of our
tuith. Think F.*q. Crosby's testimony cor.
roci. By Court;—

John Cellieon, affirmed. [Chandler ob-
served that h« had thoug hi of objecting, to
thU witness oo the ground of insanity, but
upon re fleet km, bo would let him proceed,
*s he believed It would sufficiently appear in
tho coo no of tho examination. 1 —

1 base booo acquainted with elder Dam-
mon as a Freewill elder a, number of year*.
He aaked Dammon how long it waa. D. an-
ew ered 0 jreira. 1 have been at his bouse
| frequently— every thing vraa in orderand in
I ita proper place. I have attonded every moot*
Court adjourned to Tuesday looming 9 • tug. 1 have aoen some laying on tho floor,

Answer. CKlor Dammon dots advlae u»
W qud* all work.

AbrabMi Pease, n ffirfned : Reside in Ex-
oter, prisoner*! character it at good as any
man in Eieter, Ho baa a ajpsH farm*. and
¦mall family. Ho is a eaf or melton preach-
or— eeformation baa followed hie preeehing.

Gardner banner affirmed: Reaido in
fixator— prisoner provides well for his fam-
ily . He bai been to my house, and 1 to bia
— he tdarayrtehaves wall. I saw him hi
Atkinaon a fortnight ago laerTueaday


Tuksoat. 18.
Jacob Mason, affirmed: Reaido iu Use-
land.' Brother Dammon said the rhurchea
were of thai dsseriplioit— said they were

two or mure at a time — have aeen nothing
bad in the meetings. [Witness hers dee ¦
enhed the position Miss Harmon lay in on
the floor, when she was in a trance, and of-
fered to lay down and show the Court if they

lyersi rogue *,, ire I did not understand jthey wished to see. Court waived it.]
him to include all, but individuals. Sister Witness relnted the visions similar to the
Baker's sharacter Is good. Do not recol- J other witnesses, but mors unintelligible.
Jecl of brother Gallisoa using any eorapul- { Did not hear her called Imitation of Christ,
sion, to msks bia daughter go forwsrd in 1 know she won't, for we don't worship idols.

tnptism. 1 saw elder White after aiater
Baker went into the the bed-room, near
siater Harmon in a irunee— some of the
time he Jtaid h«a head. She was mi n vis-
ion, part of the tims insensible. Suw noth-
ing improper in brother Dauimon that eve-
ning. I never knew him a beggar,. or wast-
ing his lints.

Cross-examined: Do net knew who k
was thst weot into the bed-room with sie-
tsr Baker— he was s strsngcr to me ; he
soon came out. Can't tay how soon he
went to agsin. 1 havs heard Crosby tss-
tify and think him correct. 1 thought her
visions ware from God— she would de-
soribe out tbeir oases oorrfi. Shs describ-
ed mine correct. I hit kisaing out dooc,
but not in the bouse A part of the time
ws est on the floor — both man and women
promiscuously. I saw no man go in|o the
bed-room. They wash feet in the evening.
It is a practice iu our order to kiss, on our
meeting each other. Siater Harmon waa
not called Imitation Christ to my knowl-
edge. I think I ttbouhl have heard it il ahe
was. 1 believe in visions. Sister Harmon
is id or l»yesraof oge;sbo is from Port-

Josl Doors, nffirmed : Reside in Atkin-
ioa- elder Dummou said there waa bad

characters iu the churches; 1 did not under- j waehing of feet.)

Croas examined. 1 believe in visions and
perfectly understand that, but suppose wo
are not before an Ecclesiastical Council. —
Elder Dammon does not believe aa he uaed
to. [Witness read from tho Bible.] Wo do
wash each other's feet— do creep on the
floor very decently, I think he has baptised
about eleven, but can't sey certain how many
—I have tho priviloge of knowing how they
bohavs ss well ss anyone else. 1 bevo no
doubt aiater Harmon's visions were from God
—shs told my daughter so. ( expect the end
of the world every day. 1 was in favor of
my daughter being baptised— I could not see
ahead to see the devil's rabble coming, but
eince they have come, 1 am certain we did
iuat right.

Abel Buobor, affirmed. [Most of the
teatimony of this witness was a repetition of
of whst others have testified to, of which lbs
reader 1 think muat be weary ]

1 did not seo White go into tbe bed room
with Mies Baker— heard the noise in ths bed
room, others did go in. Elder O aaid the
churches were in a, fallen stale, and be had
rather risk himself in ths hands of the Al-
mighty as a non-professor, than to bo in the
place of some of the churches. 1 believe
folly in the faith [Witness affirmed the
story of kissing, roiling on the floor, jind

•land him, to any ail. Ha preachea louder
than most people, no mors noisy than com-
mon pre achate of this faith. The vision
woman would lay looking up wbon abe
earns ouV of her trance— she would point
to some one.nnd tell them their cases, which
shs said was from ths Lord. Shs told a
•umber of vicious that svsniog. Brother
Gsllisow T a daughter Wanted to see her
mother before shs was baptissd, but finally
concluded to be baptised without seeing her.
Sister Baker go* op off toe floor* sod weot
to Lambert Vo- talk wun him. I aaw no
more of her, until L heard a noise in the
bed-room — they went and got her out, aa
tbe other witneiees have atatcd. After shs
cams out, ahs said aha had a message to
me. She said I bsd thought bard of her
{I acknowledged I had) but I became sat-
isfied of my error, and fcllowebiped her.
We kissed each other with the boly kiss —
J think elder Whits was not in tbs bed-
room, that evening; but I trout know bow
many, nor who were tbsre. The girls that
wee baptised were 17 years old, one of them
had been beptjted before. We hare scrip-
ture enough. for every thing that was dons.
There was not one tooth part of the noise
Saturday evening, that there generally a
at ths meetings I attend. As fsr ss I am
acquainted with elder Dammon, 1 consider
htm a moral good man.

Cross examined. When ahe kiaaad me,
ahe eaid tbsre wss light ahssd. Ws believe
her f Miss Baker's; visions gesuiss. We
believe Mica Harmon'a genuine -I'wee our
understanding that their viaiona wers from
God, Mine Haimoood told flvs viaiona Sat-
urday night. I did not tell any psrson yss
terday thtft it waa necessary to have any one
in ths room with her to bring out her trancee
I did engage counsel in this eaae to defend
the priaoner.

John H. Doors, aworn. I waa not at meet-
ing Saturday evening. I belong to the so-
ciety, and have aeen nothing out of charac-
ter in any ulic. Do'nt consider aider Dam-
mon s bad man— hs a man 1 highly esteem.
My daughter waa baptised Saturday evening
— •he has been bsptised before. I have aeen
both men and women crawl across the floor
on their hands and knsca.

George S. Woodbury, sworn. 1 am a be-
liever in the Advent doctrine— 1 havs attend-
ed every one of the meetings in Atkinson.

[This wirneas waa very lengthy tnhia tes-
timony, both on examination and croea sx-
animation. It amounts to tbs earns sa ths
preceding witnesses fur the defence with the
following additions ]

He thinka elder White was not in the bed
room, but others wer« in. We don't ac-
knowledge any leaders, but speak according
to lbs impulse. The ciders baptise. I be-
lieve in Mies Hnrmon'e viaiona, because she
told my wife's feelings correctly. It is my
impression that prisoner kisssd my wife. I
believe the world will come to an end within
two montha— prisoner prsaches so. 1 believe
thia is tbe faith of the band. It was said,
sod I believe, that sister* Hurmon and Bak*.
cr's revelations as much ss though they csme
from God. Sister Hurmon said to my wife
and the girts if they did not do as ahs eaid,
thsy would go to hell. My wits and Dam-
mon, passed across the floor on their hands
and knees. Some man did go into the bed
room. Hinrfl brother Dammon say tbe gift
of heeling the sick lay in the church.

By the Court.
Answer. ?I«le>r Dammon ead v taea us net to
work, because there) ia enough to lire on un-
til the tnd of the world.

Joshua Burnham, aworn. 1 have known
Miea Derioda Baker from Ave years of oge —
her character ia good-she is now 2*J or 24 yrs
of sge. She is a sickly girl, her father has
expended $1000 in doctoring her. 1 was at
the meeting Saturday night— it was appoint-
ed for the lady to ten her visions.

Adjourned to half post one o'clock.

Levi M. Doors, aworn. I have attended
more than half of the meetings— my broth-
er's teatimooy is correct- agree alto with Mr.

Question by Respondent Anewer. El-
der Dammon 'a mode of worsh ip now is sim-
ilar to what it- used to be.

Cross examined by Morison. Did they
use- to sit oo the floor? Ana. No. Did thuy
use to ley or crawl on tbe floor ? Ana. No,
Did tbey use to kiss each other ? Aos. No.
Did they use to go into the bed room ? Ans.
No. Did thsy use to tell visions ? Ana.

By Morison. Why do you any that his
mode of worship is similar to what it used to
be h Because he preachea similar. Did he
uae to preach that the end of the world waa
at hand, and baptise in the dead hours of
night ? Ana. No. The reason we sit on
the floor Is to Convene more people— some-
times w« take eome la our laps,- but oil male
and female. Don't knew of br. D. spending
money uselessly. I am i, believer. Some-
times we sit an the floor for formality. Our
faith don't hold il to be esaential. [Wilneas
repealed the mode of kissing, visions, &c.
similar to ths others.] t never beard br.
Dammon ssy he wished to destroy the mar-
riage covenant. [Respondent here re-exam-
ined s number of witnesses, all of whom tes-
tified that hs used his wife well, and appear-
ed to love her.]

Stephen Fish, Exeter, sworn. I attended
the meetings at Atkineou, laat aummcr — hit »e
attended must all of tbe (Quarterly Meetings

fur seven years— have besn-to elder Dam. To VounJ \iie JuLiie^
mon's house, and be to miss — hs provides
well in his house— lie has alwaya opposed
the mode of paying tbs ministry by regular
salary. [Here the defence closed.]
wiTMCssxs run stats.
FJtcnexer Lambert, Esq. sworn. Laat
Sunday evening l.utou Lambert told me tbe
atory ol the meeting the evening before— be
related as be testified yesterday almost ver-

John Bartlett, of Garland, sworn. 1 have
heard the respondent say that one of their
band was aa near to him as another — he
considered them alt alike. It ia the general
opinion In our town that the prisoner is a
disturber of ths peace, and ought lobe tak-
en cars of. I have been acquainted with El-
der Dammon seven yeara — ihs chn racier was
always good until within about 6 weeks,
Loian Lambert re-examined He nffirmed
all bis former testimony-does not know elder
Wnlte, but Joel Doore told me it waa While
thst wss in ths bed room with Miss Baker.

Crosa examined. There waa nothing to
obslruct my views - tbs man had on s dark
colored short jacket, aod I think light panta-

Leonard Downee re-examined. Did see
Miss Baker corns out of lbs bed room with
s man hs had bis arm sround her— see her
go in with a man and shut the door. He
had on a short jacket, dark colored, and light
colored pantaloons— saw her kiss Mr. Doors
— shs said that feels good.'

Thomas Proctor reexamined. Prisoner
ststsd to ms that Miss Baker had an cxeer-
eise in the bed room, and he went in snd help-
ed her out. Cress examined- I have eeid I

wished they were broken up, and wished
somebody would go and do It. I have said
eldur Had ought to be- tarred and feathered
if he was such a character as I beard he
was. t was ai one meeting but as to divine
worship there was none. They told us they
allowed none there but believers.

A. S. Bartlett, Esq. sworn. Yesterday I
saw Mr Joel Doore and Loton Lambert con-
versing together. I went to them — I heard \
Doore say to him, it was Cider White that |. con) , Il i
} was in tho bed room with Miss Baker- Lam- j f ormat
fbertsaid that was what 1 wanted to know. I
• so understood, and think. 1 am not mistaken.
[ t also heard Doore say tbero was a noise in
I tho bed room.

Elder- fflavel Bartlett, sworn. I think
' Prisoner does not belong to tho Free Will
Baptist Church. He is not in fellowship with

Joseph Knights of Garland, sworn, ^at-
tended one of Dammon's meetings in Car-
land, he behaved well until meeting was over.
After meeting was over 1 saw him hugging
and kissing a girl . tt is ihe common report
in Garland, that he is a disturber of the peace.

Plyn Clark, sworn. I attended their meet-
ing a week ago laat Wednesday or ThUTfs-
day night. [Tins witness gave a gsnsrst char-
octcr ol the meeting as described by others.}
I heard one halto out't Uc\ better' - others
said « good enough.' i think ths whole char-
acter of the meeting was demoralising.

J. W. K. Harvey,called. I have attend-
ed the meetings a number of times— I hsvo
seen prisoner on the floor with a woman be-
tween his legs— 1 have seen them in groups
hugging Sl kissinit one snethcr. I went there
ones on an eirand— Dam. halloed out "Good
God Almighty, drive tho Devil away', lonco
saw elder Hall with his boots off*, and the
women would go and kiss his feet. One girl
ma do a smack, but did not bit his foot with
her lips. HaMsnid he that is ashamed of me
before men, him will I be ashamed of before
my father and tho holy angels.' She then
gave his feet a number of kisses.
Jool Doore, Jr. called for thu defence. J
have heard brother Dammon preach that the
day of grace was ever with sinners, Res-
pondent said 'that is my belief*

Levi AI. Doore, callod Br Wood was dres-
sed in light pants and dark jacket.
Joel Doore, Jr. called Br. Wood had light
pants and dsi k jacket. a er

Abel Ayer called. Brother Wood went to
the baptism and was about ail the evening.

Jamns B<*.»har call. d. Sister Maker and br.
Wood nets aiiuui alt thu evening. Elder
Wihte had a frock coat and darK pants.

Prisoner opened his defence dt cited Luke
7 chapter dG verse— John I J chapter — Last
chapter in Romans— Phillipians 4ib chapter
— 1st Thessalonians 5th chapter. Holloes
followed with the defence. Court adjourned
one hour. [Holmes closed the defence
with signal ability. Chandler commenced
In be ha i? of tho State. Cited 178 chapter
Dili and lUih sections lievised Statutes;
he dwolt upon the law ; after which

Morison summoned up the testimony and
closed with a few brief and appropuute re-

Elder Dammon again rose for further de-
fence. Court indulged him to speak. He
read Pib'ih Psalm, and the iiOth Psalm. He
argued that the day of grace bad gone by,
that the believers were reduced ; but that
there waa too many yet, and that the end ol
the wottd would come within a week.

The Court after consultation sentenced
the prisoner to the House of Correction for
the space of Ten Days, . From this judgment
Riesuonduti appealed.

Tuesday morning tho pnsonsr having tak-
ing his ¦eat, rose just as the Court came in,
and shouted Glory to the strength of his

Tuesday afternoon, after the Court had
came in and were waiting for ths Counsel,
the prisoner and his witnesses asked per-
mission, and sung as loilowst
Se« Rev. 18th Cit. 4th V.

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While I wh» down iii Egypt's land,
I lienrd my Snvioor w<ia hi ltiiu.1}
The midnight rry was sounding,
Ami I wanted to ue tree.
So I left my former brethren*
Tu sound the jubilee.

They said that I had batter stay
And go with thorn in their old way;
But they ecoffat my Lord's* coining—
With theiii I could not ugree,
And 1 left their painted synagogue
To sound tbe jubilee.

Then soon 1 juiaed the Advoat Band,
Wliojiui camo out from l^cypi's land*,
They were on the road to Cauuun,
A blest brnyiug company,
¦Ynri Trirhtnem 1 nfll proclaiming
i'lidt tins year's the jubilee*

They onll us now s noisy crew,
And suy they hope we it soon fall ibro';
But* we now are growing stronger,
(loth in love mid unity,
Since wa left old mystic Babylon

We're now united iu one band,
Believing Christ is just at hand
To reward his fsiilifol children
Wbo are aind tbeir Lord to see;
Bless the Lord oursnnls are hnppy
While we sound ths jubilee.

Though opposition wnxes strong,
Yet still the bsttte won't be long;
Our blessed Lord is corning,
"His glory we sbsllsee;"
Keep up good eoursge brethren—
Thin year's the jubilee

If Satan comes to tempt your mind,
Then meet hun with these blessed lines,
Snyiug, "Get behind mt, Satan,"
I have uuugbt to do with thee;
rtiuve got my soul converted,
Aud l'tl sound the juUlee.

Tho bnttle is not to thb strong,
The weak may sing the conqueror's song;
I've been through the fiery furnace.
And no harm was dune to me,
I cnuie out with stronger evidence
Tots year's tbe jubilee.

A little* longer here below,
And home to glory we will go;
1 believe it! I believe it!
Huileiujjh, I inn free
From all eecisriansprejudiee—
This year's the jubilee.

We'll soon remove to that blast ehere,
And shout nnd sing forever more,
Where the wicked cannot enter
To disturb our huvmony ;
But we'll wenr the crowns of glory
With our Cod eternally.


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Можно бы и не поверить в существование такой газеты, НО сама Уайт описала эту ситуацию фанатизма в их городе и своё присутствие в этой секте Даммона.
И второе то, что АСД подтвердили подлинность газеты в 1988 году в своем журнале. Я ОБ ЭТОМ ПИСАЛ ВЫШЕ.

ВОТ АДРЕСОК НА ЭТОТ ЖУРНАЛ http://www.hacksplace.com/magazine.html

Третье - в своих мемуарах Е. Уайт хорошо описала, что за ней постоянно ездил пристав, и не мог застать её в очередном городе. Она с будущим мужем постоянно переезжала в разные города до тех пор, пока прибились к группе бывших миллиритов под руководством Бейтса. Её сестра расписалась за неё в повестке, а сама Елена всё назвала клеветой.
Ещё одно - Она очень хорошо описала в печатном экземпляре мемуаров о том, как она с мужем приехали к родителям Елены и застали всю семью в жутком фанатизме. Джеймс дружил малость с головой и подсказал Елене, что с этим надо заканчивать (он надеялся сделать из неё профессиональную визионершу). По этому пришлось заколотить дом в деревне (У родителей собирались единоверцы, и их отвадить так и не смогли Джеймс с Еленой) они забрали её родителей в город к сестре Еленовой (близняшке) и в городе поселились у этой второй дочери. По приезду в город, через неделю, к ним начали ломиться соседи и требовать, что бы те прекратили вой по ночам. Сестра - близняшка объясняла соседям, что это они так молятся. Через несколько дней после визита соседа, все соседи собрались и порешили позвать шерифа. Пришёл шериф и они ему тоже впарили  рассказ что они так исповедуют религию. Шериф был верующий и не стал их трогать. Тогда соседские мальчишки стали разбивать им окна камнями и семья Хармонов пожаловалась шерифу. Тот пришёл на улицу, собрал соседей и запретил им притеснять верующую семью.

Всё это Елена описала сама в своих произведениях. Когда она писала, к этому времени их уже перевоспитали, и они сами стали бороться с различными "святыми хохотами" и лобызаниями с воплями и завываниями. Для того, чтоб в своей (уже организованной) секте бороться с этим, она описала свои опыты борьбы с фанатизмом. В принципе, её всегда устраивало такое поведение верующих. Она в этом видела их крайнюю приверженность. Хвалила за "святой хохот" и подобное поведение.
НО НАСТАЛИ ВРЕМЕНА, КОГДА ВЛАСТИ ОБРАТИЛИ ВНИМАНИЕ НА СУМАСШЕСТВИЕ СВОИХ СОГРАЖДАН И СТАЛИ ПРИМЕНЯТЬ МЕРЫ. Вот тут и осенило нашего "старейшину" Дж Уайта, что видения пророчицы должны выглядеть более менее против всяких душераздираний.
Она стала писать о том, что имела свой личный опыт в подобном поведении.
В ЭТОМ И ПРОСЧИТАЛИСЬ. ЭТО БЫЛ ПЕРИОД 1845-1846 г.г. Выходит, что Бог избрал Уайту во пророки перед самым её фанатизмом. (И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ЕСТЬ У ЕЛЕНЫ).
Она в одном своем "свидетельстве для церкви" описала, что Христос сильно её ругал (она объяснила, что Иисус ругал её за то, что она не передаёт обличения тем людям, о которых были видения.) и потом простил за ЧТО-ТО (у меня создалось впечатление, что Дж Уайт и был всегда этим вдохновителем её видений, он и ругал, и прощал).

Однажды она приехала в город и там в одной из сект повстречалась с парнем, который присутствовал на собраниях Даммона. Он послушал её рассказы о видениях и стал открыто смеяться (он же знает из какого она дикого общества) она это описывала говоря, что клеветал он на неё потому, что не понравилось её обличение к нему. ДА, ОНА ТОГДА ЕЩЁ СЛИШКОМ МОЛОДОЙ БЫЛА, ЧТОБ ЗНАТЬ В ЧЁМ ОБЛИЧАТЬ, А В ЧЁМ НЕТ.
Да и сама же и писала о том, что её матушка потребовала от неё вернуться из города в их деревню, потому, что дошло до их соседей о её похождениях в городе.

Все эти её рассказы об эволюции её вероисповедания есть за-сканированы, из этой же национальной библиотеки. Когда выпускали брошюры, то обязаны были сдавать по одному экземпляру в библиотеку. (мне так объяснили). Там сохранились все печатные выпуски литературы АСД (не переделанные, как дошли до наших дней, а в первом виде).
Со временем они постарались переделать все ранние произведения (подчищали) но первые печатные экземпляры всплыли совсем недавно и появились в иннете.
В Америке, адвентисты давно выбросили Уайту из головы. Но когда дошло дело до Евро-Азиатского дивизиона, то возникла проблема. Оказалось, что русскому адвентисту не важно что она писала (он всё равно не читает ни её произведения, ни Библию. Ему достаточно того, что пастух расскажет).
Так вот проблема возникла в том, что загадочная русская душа желает иметь Уайту как пророка Господня. И руководство поняло, что забери веру русского адвентиста в пророка Елену, и они останутся без Бога. Они потеряют веру в Самого Бога потому, что пришли к Нему на условии Его пророчицы Уайты.
Они и слушать не станут, что Уайту использовали организаторы секты, как двигателя рекламы. Организаторы раскрутили её, как пророка, только для того, чтоб она раскрутила их секту, как "народ Божий". Ляпов в её произведениях очень много. Она сама себя выдаёт, и все свои эгоистические амбиции.

Посты сразу все фотокопии не помещают. Мне пришлось разделить на три поста. На том же ресурсе есть и другие газеты, которые рассказывают об этой секте Даммона и о суде над ним. Правда там не упоминается "ПОДОБИЕ ХРИСТА" Так называли сектанты саму Е. Уайту (в то время под девичьей фамилией ХАРМОН).
Фотокопии получились непонятными потому, что начало статьи на нечётной стороне газеты, а продолжение на обратной стороне. Номера фотографий - 6,7,8,9 и 10, это уже обратная сторона газеты. Первая фотка, это общий ракурс. Когда сканировали, то лишнее прикрыли ватманом, чтоб не мешалось, а часть текста из соседних колонок потом оцифровались в подобие текста.
КТО ЗНАЕТ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ, ТОТ РАЗБЕРЁТСЯ. А кто не знает, тот пусть учится, или как я пользуется гугилом.


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